Showing all 14 results

Kausambi Dynasty ; Uninscribed Cast Copper Unit,5th Century BC ;

2,500.00 ANCT730/24

Kausambi Dynasty ; Uninscribed Cast Copper Unit,5th Century BC ;

2,500.00 ANCT729/24

Ancient ; City State of Kurapurika (200-150 BC), Eastern/Central Malwa, Uninscribed die struck Copper,

8,500.00 ANCT705/24

Ancient : Taxila – uninscribed copper die-struck local coinage of post-Mauryan period, (c.200-150 BC), biface series

800.00 ANCT651/24

Ancient : Taxila – uninscribed copper die-struck local coinage of post-Mauryan period ; (c.200-150 BC), biface series ; ‘elephant’ type ; PAIC 1490

4,000.00 ANCT633/24

Ancient ; Ujjaini Region, Uninscribed Type, Copper Unit, 3.23 Grams, ‘seated Lakshmi type

7,000.00 ANCT428/22

Ancient ; Ujjain Region ; Uninscribed Copper Unit ;

1,000.00 ANCT324/21

Ancient ; Ujjain Region ; Uninscribed Copper Unit ;

1,500.00 ANCT323/21

Ancient ; Post-Mauryan (c. 185-160 BC) ; Ujjaini region ; Uninscribed ; Copper ;

1,200.00 ANCT322/21

Ancient ; Ujjain Region ; Uninscribed Copper Unit ;

1,200.00 ANCT321/21

Ancient ; Ujjian Region, Uninscribed Copper Unit ;

2,800.00 ANCT2/24

Ancient ; Vatsa region – Uninscribed cast Coinage of Kaushambi area (c.200-150 BC), ‘lanky bull’ series, PAIC 1129


Ancient : Taxila – uninscribed copper die-struck local coinage of post-Mauryan period, (c.200-150 BC),

ANCT585/23 - ANCT614/23

Ancient : Taxila – uninscribed copper die-struck local coinage of post-Mauryan period ; (c.200-150 BC) ; biface series ; ‘elephant’ type ; PAIC 1490 ;