Vidarbha Region Coins
Vidarbha is a geographical region in Maharashtra, which is next to the west Indian state of Gujarat. It forms the eastern part of the state, next to the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, it comprises of the Amravati (earlier Central Provinces, Berar) and Nagpur divisions. According to the Hindu epic Mahabharata and other Puranic scriptures, princess Rukmini considered to be an incarnation of the goddess Lakshmi and the wife of lord Krishna, was born to Bhishmaka, the king of the Vidarbha kingdom. Vidarbha was part of the Satavahana Empire during 1st to 2nd century CE), ascertained by the Satavahana coins found in Pauni.
Coin of King Jagadeva of the Paramaras of Vidarbha, 12th–13th centuries CE
The coins and inscriptions from the period of Paramara king Jagadeva have been found in the northern parts the region.