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Ancient ; Post-Mauryan, Kaushambi Region, Cast Copper Coin

3,000.00 ANCT_5_1812/24

Ancient ; Post-Mauryan (c. 200 BC), Kaushambi Area, Damru Shaped, Cast Copper,

6,000.00 ANCT791/24

Ancient ; Post-Mauryan city-state coinage of North India, Kaushambi region, copper coin of ‘Shosheni’

7,000.00 ANCT786/24

Ancient ; Post-Mauryan, Kaushambi Region, Cast Copper Coin

4,000.00 ANCT861/24

Ancient ; Post-Mauryan (c. 200 BC), Kaushambi Area (Vatsa) ; Damru Shaped, Copper Unit

6,500.00 ANCT860/24

Ancient ; Post-Mauryan ; Kaushambi Region ; Cast Copper Coin

4,000.00 ANCT865/24

Ancient ; Post-Mauryan (c. 200 BC), Kaushambi Area, Damru Shaped, Cast Copper,


Ancient ; Post-Mauryan city-state coinage of North India ; Kaushambi region ; copper coin of ‘Shosheni’


Ancient, Post-Mauryan (c. 200 BC), Kaushambi Area (Vatsa) Damru Shaped, Copper Unit

9,000.00 ANCT732/24

Post-Mauryan independent dynasts ; Vidarbha region (c.250-200 BC) – iron-rich alloyed coin of ‘elephant’ type ;


Ancient : Taxila – uninscribed copper die-struck local coinage of post-Mauryan period, (c.200-150 BC), biface series, ‘elephant’ type

1,200.00 ANCT653/24

Ancient ; Taxila ; uninscribed copper die struck local coinage of post-Mauryan period ; (c.200-150 BC), biface series ; ‘elephant’ type ; PAIC 1490

1,500.00 ANCT652/24

Ancient : Taxila – uninscribed copper die-struck local coinage of post-Mauryan period, (c.200-150 BC), biface series

800.00 ANCT651/24

Ancient : Taxila – uninscribed copper die-struck local coinage of post-Mauryan period ; (c.200-150 BC), biface series ; ‘elephant’ type ; PAIC 1490

4,000.00 ANCT633/24

Tribal-Post Mauryan ; Sibi Janapada (200 BC) ; Copper Unit ; Obv: Swastika & traces of tree in the center.

6,500.00 ANCT48/23

Tribal-Post Mauryan, Sibi Janapada (200 BC), Copper Unit,

7,500.00 ANCT592/23 - ANCT4/24

Ancient ; Post-Mauryan (c. 185-160 BC) ; Ujjaini region ; Uninscribed ; Copper ;

1,200.00 ANCT322/21

Ancient India ; Post-Mauryan Period ; Suryamitra ; Mathura Region ; Copper Base Alloy ; Weight : 8.02 Grams

8,000.00 ANCT253/21

Ancient ; Post-Mauryan, Kaushambi Region, Cast Copper, 2 Coins,


Ancient ; Post-Mauryan ; Kaushambi Region ; Cast Copper ; 2 Coins

Ancient : Taxila – uninscribed copper die-struck local coinage of post-Mauryan period, (c.200-150 BC),

ANCT585/23 - ANCT614/23

Ancient : Taxila – uninscribed copper die-struck local coinage of post-Mauryan period ; (c.200-150 BC) ; biface series ; ‘elephant’ type ; PAIC 1490 ;

Post-Mauryan city-state coinage of North India ; Kaushambi region ; copper coin of ‘Shosheni’, 1.41g. Obv: Brahmi legend Shosheniye. Rev: Traces of elongated crescent. Very fine+, Very rare.

Ancient : Panchala Kingdom ; Bhumimitra ; Copper double karshapana ; Post-Mauryan monarchical coinage – alloyed copper full unit of Bhumimitra

Ancient; Post Mauryan ; copper Unit ; Vidarbha region of Mah. (c. 200-100 BC). Obv. A beautiful tree. Rev. Ujjain symbol with an Indra-dhvaja.

Post Mauryan ; unusual & uninscribed horse type copper coin from Vidarbha region of Mah. (c. 200-100 BC).

Ancient Malwa ; Ujjain Mandasor Region ; post-Mauryan uninscribed die-struck copper coin, (200-150 BC), Not listed in Pieper, Weight : 2.49 Grams