Showing all 33 results

Ancient ; Punch Marked, Eran-Vidisha region, Copper Fractional Unit,

600.00 ANCT774/24

Ancient ; Punch Marked, Eran-Vidisha region, Copper Fractional Unit,

1,000.00 ANCT773/24

Ancient ; Punch Marked, Eran-Vidisha region, Copper Fractional Unit,

1,000.00 ANCT769/24

Ancient ; Punch Marked, Eran-Vidisha region, Copper Fractional Unit,

1,000.00 ANCT617/24

Ancient ; Punch Marked, Eran-Vidisha region, Copper Fractional Unit,

1,000.00 ANCT767/24

Ancient ; Punch Marked Coin, Eran Vidisha Region, Copper Unit,

1,500.00 ANCT702/24

Ancient ; Punch Marked, Eran-Vidisha region, Copper Fractional Unit,

2,000.00 ANCT630/24

Ancient ; Punch Marked, Eran-Vidisha region, Copper Fractional Unit

2,000.00 ANCT627/24

Ancient ; Punch Marked, Eran-Vidisha region, Copper Fractional Unit,

600.00 : ANCT626/24

Ancient ; Punch Marked, Eran-Vidisha region, Copper Fractional Unit,

600.00 ANCT625/24

Ancient ; Eran Vidisha Region, 3rd century BC, Copper, RARE Punch-marked type, Copper Fractional Unit,

1,000.00 ANCT768/24

Ancient ; Eran Vidisha Region, 3rd century BC, Copper, RARE Punch-marked type, Copper Fractional Unit,

1,000.00 ANCT616/24

Ancient ; Eran Vidisha Region, 3rd century BC, Copper, RARE Punch-marked type, Copper Fractional Unit,

500.00 ANCT613/24

Ancient ; Eran ; Vidisha Region, 3rd century BC, Copper, RARE Punch-marked type, Copper Fractional Unit,

2,000.00 ANCT56/23

Ancient : Eran-Vidisha Region (300-200 BC), Copper Square Unit, Punch Marked type,

3,000.00 ANCT362/22

Ancient ; Punch Marked, Eran-Vidisha region, Copper Fractional Unit, Weight : 1.81 Grams,

3,000.00 ANCT338/21

Ancient ; Punch Marked, Eran-Vidisha region, Copper Fractional Unit, peculiar big flower like symbol.

3,000.00 ANCT337/21

Ancient ; Eran Vidisha Region, 3rd century BC, Copper, RARE Punch-marked type, Copper Fractional Unit,

4,500.00 ANCT302/21

Ancient ; Punch Marked ; Eran-Vidisha region ; Copper Fractional Unit ; 1.18 Grams, with punches showing ; tree in railing, ujjaini symbol ; triangular headed standard in railing and river with fishes (Allan BMC pl. 18).


Ancient ; Punch Marked, Eran-Vidisha region, Copper Fractional Unit, 1.18 Grams with punches showing, tree in railing, ujjaini, triangular headed standard in railing and river with fishes (Allan BMC pl. 18).

1,200.00 ANCT301/21

Ancient ; Eran Vidisha Region ; 3rd century BC, Copper ; RARE Punch-marked type ; Copper Fractional Unit ;

Ancient ; Punch Marked Coin ; Eran Vidisha Region ; Copper Unit ;

Ancient ; Punch Marked Coin ; Eran Vidisha Region ; Copper Unit ;

Ancient ; Punch Marked ; Eran-Vidisha region ; Copper Fractional Unit ;

Ancient ; Eran Vidisha Region ; 3rd century BC ; Copper ; RARE Punch-marked type ; Copper Fractional Unit ;

Ancient ; Eran Vidisha Region ; 3rd century BC ; Copper ; RARE Punch-marked type ; Copper Fractional Unit ;

Ancient : Eran-Vidisha Region (300 – 200 BC) ; Copper Square Punch Mark Type ; Uniface

Ancient ; Eran Vidisha Region ; 3rd century BC, Copper ; RARE Punch-marked type ; Copper Fractional Unit ;

Ancient ; Punch Marked ; Eran-Vidisha region ; Copper Fractional Unit ;0.77 Grams, tree in railing, Swastika symbol, triangular headed standard in railing and river with fishes.

Ancient ; Punch Marked ; Eran-Vidisha region ; Copper Fractional Unit ; Flower symbol below Ujjaini Symbol ; Tree in railing.

Ancient ; VIDISHA: City state copper coin with Vedisa legend. Very Rare. Vidisha city state, Narmada valley

Ancient ; Punch Marked Coin ; Eran Vidisha Region ; Copper Unit ; Obv: punch marks showing bull ; 8 comportment tree and ujjaini symbol, Rev: uniface ;

Ancient; Eran Vidisha Copper Unit